16 February 2015

Weekend Analyses of Ladies' Ski Jumping: Chapter 2.3: A short end for Rasnov weekend

Greetings! Now let's take a look at the final day of events in Rasnov:

Sunday, 8th February, 2015 (Trial Round and Competition 2)

The last day in Rasnov was started in overcast conditions with a trial round.Wind was very tricky: 0.74 m/s from behind the hill to 1.32 m/s towards the hill. Starting position was at gate 29. The longest jump of the round was performed yet again by Eva Pinkelnig. Austrian landed at 96.0 meters (-5.1/0.0), finishing first with the total score of 66.9 points. In contrast, the worst achieved distance was 56.0 meters by a Czech Veronika Ptackova with a compensation (-4.2/0.0) and a Romanian Bianca Elena Stefanuta (+3.0/0.0). Sara Takanashi was closest to Pinkelnig's result: 95.0 meters (-6.0/0.0), and 64.0 points in total. Julia Clair was the surprise of the round. 91.0 meters (-2.9/0.0) and 59.1 ponits gave her 3rd place. World Cup leader Iraschko-Stolz flew 89.0 meters (-1.1/0.0), and total score of 56.9 points let her finish 4th. Carina Vogt, Katharina Althaus and Lea Lemare decided to retire from the session, and concentrate fully for the competition.

Conditions got trickier for the first round of the competition: light snowfall with variating wind weren't the best possible combination. Highest amount of wind from behind the hill was 0.48 m/s and towards 1.49 m/s. Starting position remained unchangeable. Michaela Dolezelova couldn't capitalize on the best wind conditions: Czech's 80.5 meters (-9.5/0.0) jump had an unfortunate addition, since she fell before the falling line, and she finished 37 th in the overall results with 60.0 points, Tara Geraghty-Moats from the United States of America did great job: she landed at 93.0 meters (-5.4/0.0), and the jumper with number 11 was 9th after the first round. Geraghty-Moats lead the competition until jumper with number 22: German Juliane Seyfarth equaled Geraghty-Moats' distance 93.0 meters (-6.4/0.0), but with a better landing German took the lead. Her joy lasted until Line Jahr's jump: Norwegian flew 94.5 meters (-2.9/0.0), and scored 115.6 points. Nita Englund sat on the starting bench right after Jahr. She gained 87.9 km/h (54,63 mph), landed at 94.0 meters (-1.7/0.0), scoring 118.3 points, and taking the lead for The United States of America.

TOP10 was yet to jump, Englund was still leading. Russian Irina Avvakumova didn't impress with 91.5 meters (-7.7/0.0), since she was 6th after her jump. Eva Pinkelnig tried to shake the top, but her jump of 96.0 meters (-8.5/0.0) with a horrible landing gave her 4th place after her jump. It seemed like skipping the trial round didn't do good for Althaus: she flew only 87.0 meters (-2.7/0.0), and found herself 19th after the first round. Maja Vtic jumped 3.5 meters more, with compensation (-6.8/0.0) she took 13th position after the first round. Yuki Ito did a decent jump of 93.0 meters (-7.2/0.0), taking 5th after her jump. Jaqueline Seifriedsberger couldn't capitalize on her good conditions either: 89.5 meters (-7.7/0.0), scoring 102.8 points, giving her 18th place of the round. Spela Rogelj flew 90.0 meters (-1.9/0.0), taking 11th after the first round with 109.6 points. Sara Takanashi was the woman to push Englund from the top: 95.0 meters (-1.1/0.0), gathering 121.4 points. Carina Vogt topped the round's velocity competition with 88.6 km/h (55.07 mph), but it didn't give her satisfying distance: 89.0 meters (-1.0/0.0), 51.0 points from style, and 108.0 points in overall. Vogt saw herself 11th after her jump, so skipping the trial round round may have been a mistaken choice. Iraschko-Stolz came from the top of the hill as the last jumper: Austrian landed at 91.5 meters (-0.1/0.0),gathering 116.9 points in total, enough for the 3rd place.

After 1 hour and 41 minutes fight against the wind and slight snowfall, the judges decided it was time to wrap the competition. 1st round's results became official: 1. Takanashi JPN 121.4, 2. Englund USA 118.3, 3. Iraschko-Stolz 116.9, 4. Jahr NOR 115.6, 5. Seyfarth GER 112.1, 6. Pinkelnig AUT 112.0, 7. Ito JPN 111.8, 8. Lundby NOR 110.7, 9. Geraghty-Moats USA 110.1, 10. Rogelj SLO 109.6, 11. Avvakumova RUS 108.3, 12. Vogt 108.0

In the World Cup Standings after 11 competitions TOP3 saw small changes:
1. Iraschko-Stolz AUT 782
2. Takanashi JPN 673
3. Vogt GER 622
4. Rogelj SLO 463
5. Ito JPN 326
6. Seifriedsberger AUT 316
7. Pinkelnig AUT 308
8. Vtic SLO 302
9. Althaus GER 288
10. Englund USA 276

All in all the weekend was a disappointment for Vogt: 8th and 12th weren't the positions she was looking for, so she decided not to participate in Ljubno, and prepare for the World Championships, which start Thursday 19th of February, 2015. Ladies' qualifying is in program, and on Friday we'll find out, who'll be crowned as a World Champion.

Just like last time in Hinzenbach, each day saw a different winner: Friday training rounds for Pinkelnig, Saturday's competition for Iraschko-Stolz and Sunday's smaller competition belonged to Takanashi. TOP3 seems to be pretty secured.

Thank you for reading through the Rasnov weekend. I'll do my best to post about Ljubno's competitions. "Vogt has our support, no matter what are the results!" That'll be second motto of this blog, and the Youtube Channel. Enjoy your day! :)

Trial Round's results (PDF-file) February 8th, 2015, Rasnov
The official reults of the competition (PDF-file) February 8th, 2015, Rasnov
Complete World Cup Standings (PDF-file) after Rasnov's weekend, 8th February, 2015

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